怀抱着开源无国界的情怀,RT-Thread在2020年3月开启 Going Global计划,我们期待能让更多的人能受益于开源项目,能让更多的力量赋能于开源项目!一年多短暂而迅速的发展,RT-Thread得到了众多海外嵌入式开发者的支持,收集到来自世界各地开发者贡献的教程,RT-Thread体验视频,DIY作品秀等,各种语言,各种形式,资源来自于社区又反哺回社区。同时,我们也致力于将国内社区的作品及文章传达到海外,其中社区开发者李硕的作品水墨屏桌面台历在知名创客平台Hackaday大赛中获奖,多项作品在Hackster和Electronmaker等平台被宣传。
现RT-Thread海外社交媒体平台约有7000名追随者,我们也得到了众多海外媒体的支持,如 Opensoure /Embedded-computing/ Dzone/ Embedded / Hackster-News / CNX-Software / Hackernoon/embarcados(巴西最大的嵌入式开发者集聚平台)等,感谢所有人的支持与厚爱。
在多方的支持和倡议下,我们决定发起RT-Thread IoT OS首届全球技术大会,让世界认识中国开源实时操作系统!
9月16号-17号,RT-Thread IoT OS首届全球技术大会开启,为期两天的线上英文峰会,分享前瞻观点、展示最佳实践、邀请国内外合作伙伴探讨开源社区生态,一起探索IoT的发展!
Call for Speakers
Adopting Open Source Thinking and carrying on the spirit of Open Source Without Borders, RT-Thread started the Going Global Plan in March 2020 to get the word out about RT-Thread to the global engineers and developers.
We’re looking to share and spread open source projects with more developers in a mission of letting open source projects benefit more people! Also, with every commit, comment, and pull request, we’re creating opportunities for ourselves and for open source community developers and engineers to learn and grow together.
After a year of fast growth and development, we’ve seen huge supports for RT-Thread from around the world. We've collected many contributed tutorials, videos providing constructive feedback and first impressions of using RT-Thread with many being DIY showcases of projects, in different languages and various formats. We’re seeing a virtuous circle as resources are taken to use and optimized then giving back to the community to keep the community improving and growing.
The RT-Thread social media platform now has about 7,000 followers and counting with supports from the Media Platform, we're staying connected with OpenSource / Embedded-Computing / Dzone / Embedded / Hackster-News / CNX-Software / Hackernoon/Embarcados (Brazil's Pioneer Embedded Developer Platform). A BIG thank you to the Developers, Partners, Medias who have shared their time and energy to support us.
RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference.
The first-ever RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference will be held online from September 16–17,2021, featuring embedded technologies, new project showcases, community contributors track. We welcome all embedded developers from different countries to come together to exchange ideas, showcase projects, identify solutions, discuss future strategies, and provide mutual learning opportunities on a wide variety of topics exploring embedded technologies.
We are honored to invite you to join us in celebrating the POWER of IoT OS technologies.
Do you want to showcase your project or have an awesome topic to speak about at RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference 2021?
Every contribution counts tremendously for the Open Source Community!